
Gunfight in New Mexico, 1886

At the following link, you will find an account of a gunfight in which Walter Joshua Stevens and his brother, David Alma, were involved.



Death of Walter Joshua Stevens

(Taken from a tape made in 1965 of an inteview of Rebecca Stevens Palmer by her grandson, Gordon Lyman. Transcribed in 2008 by her great granddaughter, Necia Palmer Seamons.)

Prologue: It is 1912. Walther Joshua Stevens and his wife, Elizabeth Kenney Stevens, had been living in Mexico for about 17 years. He and Elizabeth had came through the Hole-in-the-Rock and settled in Fruitland, New Mexico, before moving to Old Mexico.

By 1910, the Mexican colonies had become established and quite prosperous. But civil war had broken out in Mexico. Pancho Villa was on the rampage and the colonists had been asked to leave their homes. Walter didn't want to leave. He took his family up to a cave for a while, but had returned home when the following narrative took place.
The Stevens children and their ages in 1912 are: Phebe, 31, and married; Walter, 29; Rebecca, 27, and married; John (deceased); Ella, 23; William, 21; Ammon, 19; Emma, 17; Abigail, 15; Elmina, 14; Vivian, 12; Daniel, 10; Brigham, 9; and Marian, 5.

(The beginning of the tape is missing.) "… Ella, Emma and Abby, the three older girls that was there.

Well, they were out picking blackberries. We had, uh, an orchard just out from the house, south of the house, and then we had a blackberry patch running north and south... above there ... we called the old blackberry patch; and we put a big orchard in.

And then another blackberry patch across the wash, up kind of north of the other one, you know.

Well, they were up on this farther blackberry patch, the three girls were, picking blackberries. They'd left the cave and been home, I think they said, about two weeks and they were getting the blackberries and making jelly and preserves, you know, using, putting them up.

And these three girls were up there picking the blackberries and they noticed the dog, come down to the patch. So then they began to look around - t'wasn't their dog. And then they noticed two Mexicans duck down where the bank of the creek was quite high, you know, in places, so they could hide in under that bank. And she watched those two fellows duck down there and the dog run on, and so they said to each other, we're being followed. There's some Mexicans here.
They said “Don't act excited.” They said “we'll just go on picking until we see a chance, and then we'll skip across this little wash here in the upper end of the big orchard.” And among the fruit trees, there were blackberries, in between the trees, you know. And they got over there and got picking and figured they were quite safe and then they hurried.

Well, they walked as fast as they dared without being noticeable if those fellows come out in sight again. And when they got, uh, down into the old blackberry patch then they skipped across and went to the house.
And father was out to the barn. And that morning the boys had taken all the firearms and gone out in a big canyon where they had the cattle and the horses hid out, where they thought the Mexicans wouldn't be apt to run onto 'em in a kind of box canyon, you now.

And all father had on the place was the old double barrel shotgun, and he had two bullets for that. And he come to the house and he told one of the girls to watch from the window downstairs, that faced that way, and one of them to go upstairs and watch out that window like I've got here. They could see all over the field.
And I don't know how many of 'em, just how they did..., and Vivian was a little tot. She went and got out on a big rock back of the house, and watched; t' see what she could see. She went for curiosity. Father didn't ask her to go out there. And of course, he told mother to stay in the house. And they never did let mother see him after he was killed.

And he was going along, not thinking they would be down this close as they were.
There was one great big pine, just the other side of this big blackberry patch, the old patch. And he had cut a lot of rack stakes along the ditch that he - he'd made little reservoirs in the wash, here and there, to water his orchard and berries and garden. And he'd cut the oaks along this bank for rack stakes. They used to have a wood rack out of planks, chunk pieces you know wide pieces they bore a hole in there and they stick these oak sticks in to hold the wood in and they just had a solid bottom you know, and the rack, these sticks made the bed part, to put the wood in, and he'd cut a lot of these sticks, and they used them too, as stays, in wire fencing.

Well, he was just going along, just at the edge of this big old blackberry patch and these Mexicans were ambushed right there, in some oaks, just a little north of the ditch. And before he seen them, well of course they seen him, and one had a dagger in his hand and he just jumped out and stabbed him right over the heart. And father said when he stabbed him, he pulled the trigger and uh, give this fellow both, both barrels of buckshot. Just filled him full (inaudible.)

And he just kind of staggered off, and dropped dead a little ways from there, and the other one, I don't know if he took the knife that this one fellow had, or whether he had a knife, but when the girls got there, as soon as they heard the shot, they run. They were watching. And they run up there and the one Mexican straddled Father, with his dagger, and Father was a hold of his wrist, wouldn't let him cut him. And just as the girls got to him, they thought Father fainted, but he had just died.

Just as they got there he let loose of the fellow's wrist, and Emma grabbed uh, one of these oak sticks, and was going to hit it the fellow over the head, and Ella grabbed the gun, picked up the gun, and pointed at him. She didn't know there was no bullets, but she pointed the gun at him. And I don't know what they did say Abby did, whether she grabbed one of the girls. I think he may have died, in Emma. I'm not sure, and the other girl pulled on her, you know, to keep her from getting cut. And then they fled from it, still alive. And the other one was found, dead there, later on.

(Gordon's wife: ... and they buried your father there, didn't they?)
Ya, they called to Vivian to bring the little wagon out and she got the little wagon, and the girls got him in the wagon, and took him to the house. They didn't know he was dead; they thought he'd just fainted away. They took him in and laid him out on the bed and they kept mother out of that room. Never did let mother see him at all.

Then Dan was just a little barefooted fellow, he was there, him and Brig and Mary. And Dan went up to town about a half a mile, and called Brother Harl Johnson told him that the Mexicans were down home and would he come down … and he went right down.

And then the word got around there's some fellows, just went in the night before, from El Paso ... that had gone out and just got back in, thought everything was quiet, and they got hold of some of those. One was Hyrum Porter's brother, the other one was Joe Porter. They got … uh, sent the boys to get the horses and they hooked up teams, and sent mother and the girls out as quick as they could and then they went up on the town, it was a half-a-mile from town.

And Sister Lunt, a aunt of these Lunts here, … this Cline, and, and she happened to have a burial clothes…, there at her place. They got burial clothes there and dug a grave and buried … the boys stayed there and buried father. But they sent mother and the girls out. I don't know who drove the team, and took mother out to Juarez just as quick as they could get her and the girls out of there.

And they went down and told their story to the president of the stake. He was back in there by then… uh, Julius Romney. And the girls told them the story. Of course they didn't believe the girls. They knew very well that the Mexicans had been there and that the mother and the girls had all been raped by these fellows. I don't know what all, they didn't tell.

But they didn't any of them see the Mexicans, only the father and the girls that found him, you know, after it happened.

After he was stabbed, he pulled the trigger and killed that varmint. He died, from that shot, … and the other wandered off, found out that he, … too many for him I guess.

(Gordon Lyman: When did this happen? What was the date and year? Do you recall?)
No. …. Yes! I know the day that father… it was the 26th of August, that father was killed.

(Gordon Lyman: That would have been which year?)

1912. See I left in July and this happened in August.


William Morley Black, Will Palmer's grandfather

Both photos are of William Morley Black. The credit for the photo at the left is Darlene Black Billings posted at the following link:  http://www3.familyoldphotos.com/photo/blanding/5787/william-morley-black

The bottom photo can be found at http://black.forefamilies.com/wmblack.html along with a life sketch and another photo.

William Morley Black is Olive Myrtle Black's father (her mother is Maria Hansen Black). Myrtle was often referred to as "Aunt Myrt" and is a wife of James William Palmer and Will Palmer's mother, so ... William Morley Black is Will's grandfather!


Will Palmer and brothers

The caption for this photo reads (l to r): Wm. Z, Ken, Guy, Joe, Ellis, John.

Wm. Z. Palmer's car

Will Palmer's car

The date on this photo said "1937."

Wm. Z. Palmer and a grandchild

I don't know who the baby is, but I am assuming it is a grandchild.  Anyone else know?

Will Palmer Pedigree Photo

Will Palmer

I don't know the source of this photo. I must have just found it among Grandma Fern's books.


Will Palmer on mission

This photo hangs in the Old Tymer Restaurant in Blanding, owned by Ray and Mary Helen Palmer. They have a great collection of Blanding (and Palmer) photos as well as tons of memorabilia.

Lawrence and Lucille Wright, 1974

Phebe Palmer and horse

Will Palmer Family Group Sheet

Will and Becky Palmer

"Stevens bunch"

Rebecca Stevens Palmer is on the right next to her mother, Elizabeth Alma Kenney Stevens (seated).  Will Palmer stands to Becky's right.

The identification for the top photo is: L to R: Vivian, Abby, Alden, Dan, Rebecca, Emma (Grandma Stevens seated in front.)

Becky Stevens and daughter Phebe in garden

Lawrence Palmer, SJ basketball team

Becky Palmer's daughters-in-law

 L to R: Klea, Lila (Alma), Fern (Lynn), Edith (Lawrence), Helen (Glen)

Becky Palmer and daughters

Palmer Girls

Myrt and daughter, LaVae

Clint Palmer

Betty Palmer


It's Sunday, I'm working on family history, and Zemira Palmer is who I felt like posting some things about today! Below is a report my son, Ky, wrote several years ago for the Utah Sons of Pioneers essay competition. He was in fourth grade (2005-06) and his report won first place. I thought he did a great job and it serves as a basis and/or starting point for more detailed research.

I like to play a game called Age of Empires. You can build your own civilizations, which includes gathering food, gold, stone, and wood and building houses and other buildings. You build your own armies and have battles. You have to do a lot of thinking and planning. My fifth great grandfather James Zemira Palmer did all of this in real life.

Zemira was born in Canada in 1831. He was one of seven children. His mom joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when he was two and about 1834 he came with her to Kirtland, Ohio. (His dad died not very long after he was born.)

Zemira lived in Kirtland with his mother until he was 7, and then they moved to Nauvoo, Illinois. Before the Mormons built a city in Nauvoo, it was a swamp. Later on, a mob came and drove the Mormons out of their city when Zemira was 15.

The Mormons started to come across the plains to find new land to live on. The United States was at war with Mexico. They ask 500 men to form a battalion. Zemira joined the army as a servant to Captain James Allan because he was too young to be a soldier. Zemira carried a gun and rucksack like all of the other soldiers. His mom, Phebe Draper Palmer, worked as a cook and laundress and his new step dad, Ebenezer Brown, was a captain for one of the companies.

The Battalion suffered a lot of hardships like lack of food, clothing and water. They only had to use their guns for protection when a herd of wild bulls was attacking their camp. They marched 2,000 miles. It became known as the longest infantry march in history. They built important roads.

After the battalion was finished with their job, Zemira found work at Sutter’s Mill in California. When he was 17 he found gold there. This was the start of the gold rush. Zemira found $500 worth of gold. Back then one ounce of gold was $17 to $18. Today it’s worth $500 an ounce. Zemira found about 29.41 ounces which today is worth about $14,706. He came to Utah in 1850 and moved to the town of Willow Creek, which later became the town of Draper which was named after Zemira’s mother’s family.

Zemira pioneered lots of other places. In 1849 Zemira went with nine men to ferry the California and Oregon Emigration over the Green River. He was an important leader of several Mormon towns like Orderville. He was in charge of the United Order. Zemira was a very hard worker. He was a carpenter and a farmer.

Zemira liked to dance, sing, and write poetry, but he was also tough. When he lived in Heber City he was the Constable of Wasatch County and was also a Captain. He served in the Buchanan War.

Zemira died when he was 49. Like my fifth great grandfather, I want to be hard working, a leader, and enjoy life.


Wedding Bells

These articles on the wedding of Lynn Palmer to Fern Laws appeared in the San Juan Record, June 24, 1937.


Draper City History

Volume Two of History of Draper, Utah

(From Draper Historical Society website)

This article mentions Zemira Palmer's uncle Zemira Draper (Phebe's brother) and Zemira's stepfather, Ebenzer Brown. Pictured are Ebenezer Brown and Phebe.


Sivogah, meaning Willows, the Indian name for the area later known as Draper, is a beautiful cove of approximately fifteen square miles tucked away in the southeast corner of Great Salt Lake Valley. Draper, nestled west of towering Lone Peak, receives water from glaciated and stream-cut canyons beginning at 12,000 feet and sweeping down to a valley floor of 4,400 feet.
On the southern edge of this fertile cove are the Traverse Mountains, low hills branching west from the mighty Wasatch Range and continuing west for three miles to end suddenly in a dramatic drop to benches formed by ancient Lake Bonneville. The highest and most famous of these drops, Steep Mountain, has been a mecca for gliders towed into the air by motorized vehicles to catch updrafts and climb hundreds of feet into the clear, blue sky. A part of Steep Mountain called Widow Maker became nationally known for motorcycle hill-climbing contests. Motorcyclists, congregated for competition, were trying to be first to reach the top of the mountain. Hang gliders came later to take pilots soaring off Steep Mountain; both the less daring glider and hang-glider pilots had a bird’s-eye view of little-known Hidden Valley, and the well-known Jordan River to the west. All of these events were popular during the 1960s through the 1980s. Some hang-glider pilots continue to soar off Steep Mountain.

A mountain of sand, a gift of ancient Lake Bonneville, creates the southwestern boundary of the cove, known as Point of the Mountain. In bygone years, train cars of sand in the thousands were loaded by steam shovels, cutting back into the mountain and destroying the ribbon-like Indian trails that traversed this area long ago. Currently, semi-trucks, filled to capacity by diesel loaders, move sand from these benches for use locally and nationwide in building roads, houses, skyscraper buildings, and hundreds of other projects requiring sand. Moving millions of yards of sand over many years has allowed the I-15 freeway to be widened into a six-lane highway, with frontage roads on each side and a railroad track along its east side. Very few drivers know of the space between mountain benches and the one-hundred foot cliff-like drop into Hidden Valley below.

The only human inhabitants for centuries consisted of migratory Indian tribes who pitched their tepees by mountain streams and along the Jordan River. Fishing the river, Indians could begin at Utah Lake and fish north to Great Salt Lake, a distance of thirty-one miles. The large area between the lakes has often been compared to the Sea of Galilee, the River Jordan, and the Dead Sea area in the land of Israel.

In 1776, Fathers Escalante and Domingues, with their flowing robes and supply-laden mule trains, explored the Utah Valley, stood on Point of the Mountain, viewed Great Salt Lake, and then turned south. This was the same year representatives of the thirteen American colonies signed the Declaration of Independence.

Mountain men, wearing buckskin clothing and using flintlock rifles and powder horns, occasionally traversed the cove, making no records and leaving no traces. Trappers too, in search of beaver dams and small animal habitats, set their traps, collected their pelts, and left. Neither was looking for a place to settle and both failed to recognize the potential of the great grasslands and plentiful streams that later enticed Mormon pioneers hungry for a home and for land they could call their own.


"The first man to enter Draper was Joshua Terry. He and his companion, Levi Savage, made their camp in South Willow Creek in the year of 1847. Joshua Terry was born in Albion, Canada, on August 11, 1825. He joined the Mormon Church on June 20, 1840. Before making camp in Draper, Joshua Terry and Levi Savage worked in the canyons and neighboring fields around South Willow Creek." These pioneers did not visit South Willow Creek as settlers but were only passing through.

A majority of the pioneers came from Europe, England, Canada, isles of the sea, and other beautiful parts of the world, leaving comfortable homes, traveling by sailing ship, ox-drawn covered wagon, handcart, on horseback, and many of them walking, being led by a modern-day prophet. They gathered in the Utah desert, including South Willow Creek (Draper), hungry, tired, and weary after their arduous journey from their homelands. With faith and fortitude, these sturdy, God-fearing pioneers helped build an empire and made the desert blossom.

The western United States, prior to and including 1847, was Mexican territory, an unsettled vast open area, and for this reason was an area desirable for colonizing by Mormon pioneers. On 24 July 1847, pioneers traveling by wagon train entered the valley of the Great Salt Lake through Emigration Canyon. At last the Mormons could worship without the persecution they had experienced over the last seventeen years. Peace was short-lived, however, for in 1848 the war with Mexico ended and the United States was awarded the Mexican Territory, which comprised most of the western states as now constituted. On 9 September 1850, the Territory of Utah was created by an act of Congress, and persecution began again as United States government officials were appointed to govern settlers of the Utah Territory.


The "provisions of the act of congress of the 24th day of April, 1820, entitled ‘An act making further provisions for the sale of the Public Lands,’" Utah. p. 1 allowed patents to land through certificates of registration in land offices throughout territories of the United States. Homesteads were not created in the cove because the land had not been surveyed. As legal descriptions were generally unavailable, land in South Willow Creek was occupied by squatters. A "squatter is a person who lives on land to which he has no deed or other evidence of title. Usually he may make a valid claim to the land if there is no other person with a legal claim. . . . Congress passed special laws which allowed squatters to [eventually] gain title to lands they occupied."
"[Greater Salt Lake County] was organized with Elias Smith as county and probate judge." This was done because President Brigham Young and the legislature knew there was an urgency in setting up a legal structure that would include courts and land offices where legal land descriptions could be registered. He knew people needed protection from drifters and lawless elements making life difficult in the Valley.

On 6 October 1853 the people of South Willow Creek, applying for a post office, registered their settlement as Brownsville in honor of Ebenezer Brown, the first settler, only to be rejected. Another Brownsville, which later became Ogden, had already been registered in the territory. South Willow Creek was renamed Draperville in honor of William Draper Jr., the first presiding elder in Draper. Ebenezer Brown, although illiterate, was appointed the first postmaster in1854. His wife Phoebe did all the postal work in an office located in their home in the Draperville fort. Draper Historical Society Library. On 14 March 1855, David James was appointed the next postmaster, followed by George Spilsbury on 26 November 1860.Washington D.C., 29 Sept. 1994. DHS Library.

Draper was distinguished for the evolution of its name: Sivogah, Willow Creek, South Willow Creek, Brownsville, Draperville, and finally Draper. In an early journal entry, Andrew Jackson Allen, a pioneer of Draperville, wrote, "Now this country ware set of as a territory and calld Utah and we sent a brother to Washington to represent the people of Utah Territory, but it seemd as tho the saints could not have there just rights and we ware denied in allmost every instence."
Because of the threat of Indian uprisings, Ebenezer Brown donated land in the area of 12650 South and east of 900 East for a fort, with dimensions of 35 rods (577.5 feet) north to south and 23 rods (379.5 feet) east to west. The fort walls of adobe bricks were started in 1853, then during 1857 when Johnston's Army was a threat, the pioneers began to widen the wall and extend its height to nine feet. The threats ended before construction was completed, so the fort was never finished or enclosed. Remains of the walls are nonexistent, but the general location of the fort is well-known since the Draper Historical Park is being developed on part of the fort site at this time (1999).

Additional information regarding the Draper Fort is recorded in Perry Fitzgerald’s history: "The Indians were quite numerous in the area and causing some trouble, so, in 1854, the settlers decided to build a fort for their protection. It was big enough to house 31 families and some of the people lived there, especially during several winters. . . .

". . . Perry rendered valuable service in defending the colonists during Indian difficulties, and he showed courage in the fight with the Indians at Battle Creek (now known as Pleasant Grove). During the Walker War he was active in every measure which was taken for the welfare of the people. He was elected as first lieutenant of the Willow Creek Militia, Company A."
Many Draperville residents were included among 3,000 Saints celebrating the tenth anniversary of the arrival of the pioneers into the Valley at Silver Lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon with Governor Young.

"On the 24th, the flag was unfurled from the summit of the highest peak. Prayer was offered and the singing and cannon roared. The juvenile rifle corps performed an excellent drill. Brigham Young asked John Bagley to climb to the top of a tall pine tree and top it to mount a flag. So John climbed the tree, cut it off, and stood on his head on the top of the tree to show his courage and agility. In New Brunswick [where John Bagley was from], before a pine tree was cut down, the lumberjacks would top it. It literally meant pining the tree or getting it to a point where they took off the top so they could have the log. Then if you were especially skilled, you would stand on your head on top of the topped tree. So, this is what John Bagley did."
Individual histories see the celebration a little differently, but an official statement by B. H. Roberts has the final say. The official count was "2,587 persons in the company; with 464 carriages and wagons, 1,028 horses and mules, and 332 oxen and cows. . . . [The official news of Johnston’s Army was delivered:]

"‘About noon’ Messrs. Smoot, Stoddard and Rockwell, these men with the ‘war news,’ accompanied by Judge Elias Smith from Salt Lake City, rode in upon this scene of peace and joy and patriotism. Their advent, however, did not disturb the peace and joyousness of the occasion. Their message was delivered quietly to President Young and his immediate counselors and associates. For the rest, the afternoon’s merriment and enjoyment went on as if no messengers from the east had arrived."

When settlers knew Johnston’s Army was coming, pioneers began preparing for their defense under the direction of Governor Brigham Young who met with government officials in hopes to dissuade the army from entering the Valley. When that was not possible, he told them they could enter without their guns. On their refusal, Governor Young informed them the Saints would defend themselves and would not move again. Andrew Jackson Allen recorded in his diary on 11 July 1857, page 5: "Had a company drill at willow creek where I lived for the first time." The Utah Militia was mustered and residents prepared to burn their homes and all their property and move south. Brigham Young made it plain there was not to be left for the enemy one building, one foot of lumber, a tree, or parcel of grass that would burn.

Many Draper men were involved in this new emergency: "[Norman Brown] was a scout for Lot Smith for fifty-two days and was in the Utah Legion."

We find for 15 August 1857, on page 6 of Andrew Jackson Allen’s diary, "There ware ten men cald on from the Willow Creek division."

Who the ten men were is not known. In other entries, A. J. Allen wrote about fifteen and twenty men being called to serve. Complete lists were not recorded; however, the following men were involved in the Utah War in some capacity: Andrew Jackson Allen, William C. Allen, John Bagley, Guernsey Brown, Norman Brown, Charles Burnham, Charles Crapo, Henry Eastman Day, John Enniss, John Fitzgerald, James Green, Frank Johnson, Roan Palmer, Orrin Porter Rockwell, Tom Stokes, Joshua Terry, and possibly a few others.

"Sept 26th [1857] Got orders to start out to meet the soalders as they intend to come in, started the same day went to S.L. City."

The Draperville men answered the call and outfitted themselves for the campaign. They were ready to leave by 23 August 1857, but it was in September that the orders arrived.

From the Andrew Jackson Allen diary for 22 November 1857, page 10, we learn: "Got orders to go on to Weber and recruit here the ground was partly bare of snow, here I fel in with Mager Tilor from home at Willow Creek and Cornal Harmon with there command. There ware 20 of the boys right from willow creek here I got a bundle from home that I kneeded very much." For 24 January 1858, on page 11: "We are making arangements to gow out in the spring to defend our people from our ennemies from the U.S." For 27 January, the diary reads, "As well as those on our boarders, I was selected for one 15 was to gow from Willow Creek where I live."

"Porter Rockwell selected men he wanted to help him with a scouting expedition and chose the men from Willow Creek. Their duty was to spy on the army, get what information they could and stop it if possible. Brigham Young issued orders to the militia not to kill one man, but to destroy all the wagon trains and supplies and to stampede or drive all their animals away. The men knew the Lord would protect them and they carried out the order in full Lot Smith’s company burned 73 wagons of supplies and drove off 150 head of cattle belonging to the army." One Hundredth Anniversary of the Draper War, p.27

"Henry [Eastman Day] was one of the 25 men who marched up to the army and told those in command what they intended to do. They were angrily told that there were not enough of them to do it. Lott Smith told them that all he had to do was whistle if he needed more help, even though his men all knew there were no more men within 40 miles. The soldiers handed over their ‘bill of laden’ and Lott Smith and his men took all the firearms, put the men, about 100, under guard and burned the wagons. Henry said he cut up the yoke the oxen wore for kindling to light the wagons. When peace was negotiated Henry Day returned home."

"About this time Johnston’s Army was going to pass through the Salt Lake Valley, and the settlers were advised to move their livestock a few miles away from their path. So Ezekiel [Price] drove what [livestock] he had to Fort Canyon, a short distance northwest of Alpine. His mother and sister, Ann, also moved to Alpine."

Through the good work and efforts of Colonel Thomas Kane, a long-time friend of the Mormons, who pleaded their case, President Buchanan realized the Mormons were not in rebellion, and peace was finally obtained. On 27 June 1858, Johnston's Army came into Salt Lake City, passed over Jordan, and camped to rest before moving southwest to Camp Floyd. Gentile merchants followed them in with their supplies. President Young counseled the pioneers not to trade with them until there were some arrangements made between the merchants, the army, and the Church. "Brigham told the brethren to be incouriaged that they would gow back to there old homes. To day I am at my oald place on Willow Creek. I can see the soaldiers camp mooving up Jordan."

While Henry E. Day’s family waited anxiously above Alpine for Johnston’s Army to pass through the Salt Lake Valley, Leah Rawlins Day gave birth to her child, Leah Jane Day, in a cave or dugout. During the long wait, two men were left in Draperville to take care of things, irrigate crops, and torch the homes and buildings if necessary. The two men were 17-year-old John Fitzgerald and 36-year-old John Enniss.

Some time following the 24th of July celebration, pioneers began preparing for their immediate defense. Andrew Jackson Allen says, "I mooved my famely to Utah valley and set them down without anny covering only a waggeon cover on a waggeon box." This is probably one of many families who moved over the hill into Mountainville, the area now called Alpine.
"During the Johnston Army troubles he [Joseph S. Rawlins] was captain of the guards sent out to guard the passes in Echo Canyon against the approach of the army; and also participated in fighting many of the Indian uprisings in Utah."

From Andrew Jackson Allen’s diary for 1858, page 14: "July 1st The word came to our camp that we could moove back to our homes. July 2nd Me with many others mooved our affects back."

The Mountainville camp (Alpine) ended short of two months. On 6 July 1858, the army moved to a permanent camp in Cedar Valley at Camp Floyd. Federal troops were retained at this camp until the army "left Camp Floyd for Washington, D.C. [on 1 March 1860]." Then the camp was abandoned, leaving wagons, large guns, and empty buildings.

Having 2,500 military personnel and many services attached to the camp brought worldly problems to the Utah Territory. Orrin Porter Rockwell had a saloon and way station near the Crystal Hot Lakes, just south of where the Utah State Prison now stands. The saloon furnished not only alcohol but food and a rest stop for stagecoaches and the pony express riders. Some of the settlers joined in with the worldly ways and much control of the Utah Territory was lost by the Church authorities. In order to establish law and order in the Draperville area, John Fitzgerald, born on 24 March 1840, "was appointed first justice of the peace."


Ebenezer Brown, as was the custom, received a call from President Brigham Young on 7 December 1850 to go on a settlement mission. By September of 1852 he was back in South Willow Creek for the organization of a branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. William Draper was designated presiding elder, with Ebenezer Brown and Zemira Draper as his counselors. By the spring of 1852, twenty families had settled in Draperville: Andrew Jackson Allen, George Bankhead, Ebenezer Brown, Joseph Guernsey Brown (a step brother to Zemira Palmer. They both helped rescue the Martin and Willie Handcart companies.) Andrew Burnham, Henry Eastman Day, James Downs, William Draper, Zemira Draper, John Enniss, Perry Fitzgerald, Harvey M. Rawlins, Joseph Sharp Rawlins, Robert Shipley, Absalom Wamsley Smith, John Sivil Smith, Jacob Terry, Joel E. Terry, William Reynolds Terry, and John P. Wright.
President Brigham Young, after settling the pioneers in Salt Lake, sent scouts and surveyors to establish settlements throughout the vast Mexican Territory.

Joseph S. Rawlins and his family moved to Draper in 1850. "For twenty years thereafter they made their home at Draper, nine miles south of Murray. During this time our subject crossed the plains seven times, bringing three companies of immigrants to Utah, and also served for three months as guard in protecting the United States overland mails, serving under Captain L. Smith with the rank of lieutenant."

Ester Ann Munro was married to John Boulter on 29 January 1855 by the first elder of Draper, William Draper, Ester’s great-uncle. She and John moved to Spanish Fork where they had three children. They then moved back to Draper, after which she did community work and practical nursing. Many people called her Aunt Ester. To this union were born twelve children, six of whom lived to adulthood.

When William Draper (another of Phebe's brothers), first presiding elder of Draper, moved to Sanpete County, the Draperville Branch was organized into a ward in October 1856 and remained part of the Salt Lake Stake, replacing the branch created three years earlier. Isaac Mitton Stewart was sustained as the first bishop, William Reynolds Terry, the first counselor, Absalom Wamsley Smith, the second counselor, and John Heward, the clerk. The bishopric served without pay under the governing body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Two local priesthood holders visited the homes of pioneers each month, noting conditions of health, shelter, and provisions of food and clothing, which they later reported to the bishop and his two counselors, who administered both the spiritual and temporal affairs of the settlement. Nearly every family owned copies of the scriptures used in Church meetings. Passages from these scriptures were read and explained as family members took turns reading. Following the spiritual message, pioneering and Indian stories were shared, home-building and farming practices discussed. Exchanging experiences provided parents and children the opportunity to improve their storytelling techniques. These visits were usually completed with all kneeling in family prayer.

Sunday School in the Church was organized two years after the Saints entered the Great Salt Lake Valley. On 17 May 1857 a Sunday School was first commenced in Draperville, it being one of the first Sunday Schools ever organized in Utah. Ann Wilson Fitzgerald, with Elizabeth Heward and Elisabeth Enniss, began that organization in Draperville and taught the youngsters who came each Sunday.

Men were sent from Church headquarters in Salt Lake occasionally to encourage pioneers to be faithful in living the commandments. "Too of the brethren who were sent out to visit the settlements and preach calld at our place thay held three meetings.

"Those meetings ware verry interesting there was a good spirit prevaild many of the brethren expresst there fellings felt that the lord had been with the saints in there present difficulty with the Jentiles as we had not one man fallen in all the difficulty."

Life had become more manageable toward the end of this decade, and the pioneers felt blessed that their hardships were lessening. Many thought being rebaptized would show their gratitude for surviving and overcoming the hardships encountered crossing the plains and becoming established in prospering settlements. Others were rebaptized as they attempted to live the United Order. Even President Brigham Young was rebaptized. Andrew J. Allen recorded in his diary for 27 May 1860, on page 18, "I baptised Purlina and Sary Martha [his daughters] for remission of sins and Purlina for hir helth."

"[Norman Brown] was the sexton of the Draper [Ward] Cemetery until a few years before his death, having dug nearly all the graves in that cemetery until that time, most of them without remuneration."

"William [Reynolds Terry] received a very important letter [about 1859]. It was written by President Brigham Young, asking William to come to his Salt Lake office. Early the next morning William hitched two horses to a wagon and journeyed to town. The president was busy meeting other people, so William waited his turn. An office boy called those waiting, and thus it went all day without William being called. When evening came he journeyed home to his family. Soon after, he received a second letter from President Young inquiring why he had not come in. William sat down and wrote the following words back to the President: ‘I received your first call to come to your office and drove in to see you the next morning. And waited all day, but it seems your help was unable to see me. So if you care to see me about anything I am still living in Draper and it is the same distance from Salt Lake to Draper as it is from Draper to Salt Lake.’
"Within the next few days Brigham Young paid him a visit. The President called William to settle in St. George. No doubt the family hated to leave their lovely home and all their friends, but they obeyed the call from the Lord’s anointed and moved to St. George."


Abigail Holman Stevens

A Life Sketch of Abigail Elizabeth Holman Stevens – grandmother

Written by Laura Stevens 

She was born July 3, 1836 at Canaughtville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania of an industrious and noble family. 

The descendants of the Holman name have passed through every hardship of pioneer life.  William Holman and his wife, Winifred, came from the North Hampton, England and settled in Cambridge, Mass. Ezekiel Holman was a member of the first Baptist Church of Providence, R. I. These are the ancestors of Joshua Sawyer Holman, the father of Abigail’s mother Rebecca Greenleaf’s ancestors were many of note. 

Abigail’s parents joined the church in 1832 and lived in Kirtland, Ohio. They helped build the Temple there, but when the people were driven from there, they located at Nauvoo, Illinois and helped to build that city and Temple. They were very faithful Latter-day Saints. Her father was among the first men called on a mission to the Indians. Their first two children were boys and died in their infancy. The rest, Franklin, Rebecca, John, Amelia, Ezekiel and Abigail grew to maturity. 

The Saints were driven by the mob out of Nauvoo, Illinois into Council Bluffs, Iowa. There had to be roads made and a bridge built, before the Saints could go on.  So a company of men were sent ahead to make the roads and build the bridge over the Sweetwater River.  Her father was put in charge of this work.  He was a hard working man and was in the water a good share of the time, while building the bridge.  He caught a cold and died November 1, 1846 in Indian Territory, now Florence, Nebraska. His wife and family went to Potawatmi Co.[sic] to teach school for the Indians, and in the year 1849, she and her oldest son, Franklin and daughter, Rebecca, took down with the cholera within five days of each other and died. This left the four other children orphans, homeless, and broken hearted. Amelia married out of the church and went with him but later left him and came to Utah and was rebaptized. Abigail was thirteen years old. The Gospel, being her guiding star sustained her through all the dark days that followed. She came to Utah with her brothers John and Ezekiel the next year, 1850. 

Her brother, John, drove a team for Brigham Young on the memorable journey, crossing the plains. He settled in Pleasant Grove. Ezekiel and Abigail stayed in Salt Lake Valley working for different people for several years to make a living. Ezekiel married young. 

Then Abigail went down to Pleasant Grove to her brother John. While there, she met Walter Stevens and married him April 27, 1854, not quite eighteen years old. Their first house was built there, which was still standing in 1914. Two children were born to them while living there; Marinda, who died in infancy, and Walter Joshua. 

In August 1858 they moved to Holden, Millard Co., Utah where his father's family were and they lived there until 1880. They lived inside the fort, in a two roomed adobe house for several years. In the year 1859, David Alma was born to them. As the years went by, Rebecca Sybil and Mary Thdocia [sic] were born. 

They didn't have much money those days pioneering a new place. She carded wool, spun yarn from the wool, and had to make the cloth of various kinds for her children's clothing. She spun yarn and made blankets, clothsuits. There was no such thing as ready made suits those days. She made gloves for men out of buckskins, also made men's and women's straw hats by braiding from three to seven strands of straw with flowers for trimming from straw and horse hair colored various colors. They had to do all their sewing by hand in those days. 

Two more daughters, Ardell and Emma Jane, joined their family. Her husband had to wprk hard to support his family. After the town was surveyed, he got logs from the canyon and built a log room out on his lot to live in. There was a loft above the room that the two older boys slept in on a shuck tick on the floor. They had to climb the logs to get to it. The parents bed was a wooden bed they had made, carded with a rope, a tick of shucks and a feather bed on top of the shuck tick. The girls bed was a trundle bed and in the day time it was kept under the large bed and pulled out at night. They managed to live that way for a few years. 

Her husband was called on a mission to Pennsylvania after being released as Presiding Elder of the Ward about the year 1871 and he filled that calling honorably. While her husband was away on his mission, she had many more duties to perform and her children were small. 

A new baby girl was born in 1870 and that same year she was chosen President of the Holden Relief Society and set apart for that labor by President of the Stake, Thomas Calister, Sr. She chose good faithful women as her counselors and they united together looking after the sick, poor, and needy of the ward. She urged the sisters to do their duty by turning out to the meetings and counseled them to do good to one another and teach their children the gospel. She advised the sisters to start home production, plant mulberry trees and raise silk worms. 

The Relief Society got a few silk worms, but they didn't have any success with them. The sisters were very good to donate and they asked the sisters to donate their milk on Sunday for making cheese to sell. Sister Elizabeth Stevens and Lettie Stevens, sisters-in-law, were chosen to make the cheese. They made and sold $88.50 worth. The Society also made quilts to sell. 

In 1873, a boy was born to them. In December that same year, the Presidency decided to start a store. It was built about the center of town and Ellen Stevens was chosen clerk, this was before she was married and changed her name. In 1875, the Society donated $38.35 on the St. George Temple. The President of the Stake, Thomas Calister, advised all the Relief Society Presidents to store up wheat in time of need and the sisters donated grain for several years. They were asked to donate the start of their Relief Society Hall. She advised them to donate anything in the way of material to build with or labor. They managed to get it built while she was still President. She taught the sisters to braid from three to seven strands of straw for making hats and she chose a committee for that work. In the year 1876, her tenth child, a boy, was born. 

They milked about 25 cows one summer and made butter and put it in a tub of strong brine to keep it good until they got enough to make a trip to Salt Lake City and got a good price for it. He bought a charter Oak Cook Stove with his butter money. This was the first cook stove they had ever had. She had to make her own soap and had to make the lye to make the soap with. They made lye from hard wood ashes. 

While she was President of the Society, the organization helped to immigrate a poor family here to Holden, Utah from England and care for them after they got here. The Relief Society also built a house for a poor widow woman. 

Abigail's two oldest sons, Joshua and Alma, were called by Erastus Snow, the Apostle, to go to San Juan County to pioneer that place in 1879. They took their cattle and were with the first band of intrepid settlers who located in Bluff, but were not satisfied with location so they went 100 miles farther up the San Juan River into New Mexico. 

She was President of Relief Society for ten years. In 1880, they went to New Mexico where she was chose President of the Kirtland Ward. After a number of years they returned to Utah, settling in Manti where they labored for six years doing Temple work. 

She died March 5, 1912 while back in New Mexico. Her husband died two years later, July 24, 1914, and his body was shipped back to New Mexico to be buried by the side of his wife, Abigail.